Music and words by Hank Bentley, Ed Cash, David Crowder and Darren Mulligan
You came for criminals and every Pharisee.
You came for hypocrites, even one like me.
You carried sin and shame, the guilt of every man,
The weight of all I've done nailed into Your hands.
Oh, Your love bled for me.
Oh, Your blood in crimson streams.
Oh, Your death is hell's defeat.
A cross meant to kill is my victory.
Oh, Your amazing grace: I've seen and tasted it.
It's running through my veins, I can't escape its grip.
In You my soul is safe. You cover everything.
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away our sin,
Who takes away our sin.
The holy Lamb of God makes us alive again,
Makes us alive again.
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away our sin,
Who takes away our sin.
The holy Lamb of God makes us alive again,
Makes us alive again.
2016, Alletrop Music/Inot Music/sixsteps Music/ Songs/All Essential Music/Bentley Street Songs/Curb Dayspring Music