Music by Ethelbert W. Bullinger, words by Douglas Russell
Gathered 'round Thyself, Lord Jesus,
We now seek Thy face;
May we know Thy presence with us,
Lord of grace!
Love divine first drew us to Thee,
In our sin and need;
For our sin, in deep compassion,
Thou didst bleed.
Risen Lord, in glory seated,
We are one with Thee;
Thou has snapped the chains that bound us;
We are free.
Gratefully we Thee remember,
As we break the bread,
Symbol of Thy body given
In our stead.
Drink we too the cup of blessing
Which Thy love has filled;
Through Thy blood we have redemption;
Fears are stilled.
Backward look we, drawn to Calvary,
Musing while we sing:
Forward haste we to Thy coming,
Lord and King!