Music by attr. Lowell Mason, words by James G. Deck
Jesus, that name is Love,
Jesus, our Lord!
Jesus, all names above,
Jesus, our Lord!
Thou, Lord, our all must be;
Nothing that's good have we,
Nothing apart from Thee,
Jesus, our Lord!
As Son of Man it was,
Jesus, our Lord!
Thou gavest Thy life for us,
Jesus, our Lord!
Great was indeed Thy love,
All other loves above,
Love Thou didst dearly prove,
Jesus, our Lord!
Righteous alone in Thee,
Jesus, our Lord!
Thou wilt a refuge be,
Jesus, our Lord!
Whom then have we to fear,
What trouble, grief, or care,
Since Thou art ever near?
Jesus, our Lord!
Soon Thou wilt come again,
Jesus, our Lord!
We shall be happy then,
Jesus, our Lord!
When Thine own face we see,
Then we shall like Thee be,
Then evermore with Thee,
Jesus, our Lord!