Music and words by Shane Barnard
O Lord, our Lord, oh, how awesome are Your ways;
How majestic is Your name in all the earth.
O Lord, our Lord, may we see your Kingdom come;
Father, may Your will be done in all the earth.
When I look at Your heavens,
The moon and stars you set in motion,
O God, I sing all glory and honor!
What is man that You are mindful,
The son of man that You would care for him?
We sing all glory and honor.
In all the earth You gave dominion
To Your children and You crowned them,
O God, with glory and honor.
So we'll sing of Your name,
Live our lives for Your greatness,
O God, Your glory and honor.
The earth is full of the glory of God.
Come make much of the name above all names.
Creation cries out and every knee bows;
Jesus, we crown You, O Lord, our Lord,
2020, Wellhouse Publishing