Music by James Langran, words by Mrs. Bishop Thompson
Jesus, Lord, we know You present
At Your table freshly spread,
Seated at Your priceless banquet,
With Your banner overhead.
Precious moments at Your table,
From all fear and doubt removed;
Here to rest, so sweetly able
Occupied alone with You.
Here rejoicing in Your nearness,
Gladly by Your Spirit led;
Calmly in the blessed remembrance
Of Your precious blood once shed.
Lord, we take each simple token
In the fondest memory;
Think upon Your body broken,
And Your blood spilled on the tree.
Oh, what joy it is to see You,
In these chosen emblems here;
In the bread and wine of blessing--
Bread to strengthen, wine to cheer!
Lord, behold us met together,
One in You, our risen Head,
Thus we take the cup of blessing,
And we share the broken bread.
Lord, we know how true Your promise
To be with us where we meet,
When in Your loved name we gather
To enjoy communion sweet;
Dearer still that looked-for promise,
To each waiting, yearning heart,
That with You we soon shall be, Lord,
Yes, "forever" where You are!