Music and words by Crawford Paul
If I didn't have You, where would I be?
If I didn't have You, where would I be?
If I walked all alone without You by my side,
How would I stand when the storm crashes in
And the wind hits its stride?
The enemy rages his fury on me,
His fire consumes as a hot burning coal,
He seeks to devour, to kill and destroy,
But God in His grace stands on guard for my soul.
The waters arise and threaten my life,
The flood comes to sweep me away in the night,
The waves overwhelm me; I cry in distress,
And God rescues me with His glorious light.
Praise the Lord! Oh, praise the Lord!
He has won the victory.
Like a bird, I'm soaring high.
The cage has been broken, and now I'm free!
The name of the Lord is my rescue and help.
The Maker of heaven and earth is my strength.
2020, Crawford Paul