So Send I You, by Grace Made Strong

Music by John W. Peterson, words by E. Margaret Clarkson

So send I you, by grace made strong to triumph
O'er hosts of hell, o'er darkness, death and sin,
My name to bear and in that name to conquer;
So send I you, My victory to win.

So send I you, to take to souls in bondage
The Word of truth that sets the captive free,
To break the bonds of sin, to loose death's fetters;
So send I you to bring the lost to Me.

So send I you, My strength to know in weakness,
My joy in grief, My perfect peace in pain,
To prove My power, My grace, My promised presence;
So send I you, eternal fruit to gain.

So send I you, in sorrow, yet rejoicing,
As poor in store, yet boundless wealth to give,
As having naught and yet possessing all things;
So send I you, the life of heaven to live.

So send I you, to bear My cross with patience
And then one day with joy to lay it down,
To hear My voice, "Well done, My faithful servant;
Come share My throne, My kingdom and My crown!"

"As the Father hath sent Me, so send I you."