For the Cause

Music and words by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend

For the cause of Christ the King
We give our lives, an offering,
Till all the earth resounds with ceaseless praise to the Son.

Christ we proclaim,
The name above every name:
For all creation,
Every nation,
God's salvation through the Son!

For the cause of Christ we go
With joy to reap, with faith to sow,
As many see and many put their trust in the Son.

For the King once lifted high
To cries of rage, of "Crucify!"
Endured the cross as every sin was laid on the Son.

To the King who conquered death
To free the poor and the oppressed,
For lasting peace, for life and liberty in the Son.

Let it be my life's refrain:
"To live is Christ, to die is gain;"
Deny myself, take up my cross and follow the Son.

2016, Getty Music and Townend Songs