Music by John Zundel, words by James G. Deck
Abba, Father, we approach You
In our Savior's precious name;
We, Your children, here assembled,
Access to Your presence claim;
From our guilt His blood has washed us,
And through Him our souls draw nigh,
And Your Spirit, too, has taught us,
Abba Father thus to cry.
Once as prodigals we wandered
In our folly far away,
But Your grace, o'er sin abounding,
Brought us home with You to stay;
You Your prodigals have pardoned,
Kissed us with a Father's love;
Welcomed us with joy o'erflowing,
Heirs to dwell with You above.
Clothed in garments of salvation,
At Your table is our place,
We rejoice in Your rejoicing,
In the riches of Your grace;
"It is good," we hear You saying,
"Merry should we be and glad,
I have found My once lost children,
Now they live who once were dead."
Abba, Father! We adore You,
Joining hosts in heaven above,
Singing now the many wonders
Of Your wisdom, grace, and love;
Soon before Your throne assembled,
All Your children shall proclaim,
Abba's love, as shown in Jesus,
And how full is Abba's name!